API Objects


Contributor objects are representations of all types of Contributors of entertainment. They are designed to be compartmentalized and flexible in order to accurately represent multiple types of Contributors.

Recognizing a Contributor Object

All MediaHound Object Types can be inferred from the first five characters of their MHID or AltID. Here is a list of all Contributor types in The Entertainment Graph and their corresponding prefix.

Contributor Types

ContributorMHID PrefixDescriptionExamples
RealIndividualContributormhricA real person who contributes to pieces of content.George Clooney, Prince, J.K. Rowling, Viola Davis
RealGroupContributormhrgcA real group entity that contributes to pieces of content.Paramount Pictures, The Beatles, Adult Swim
FictionalIndividualContributormhficAn imaginary individual that appears in pieces of content.Batman, Katniss Everdeen, Ziggy Stardust, Hannibal Lector
FictionalGroupContributormhfgcAn imaginary group entity that appears in pieces of content.The Avengers, The Empire, Knights Templar, G.I. Joe, Jesse and the Rippers

Default and Optional Fields

All Contributor objects are returned with a default set of fields. These fields contain information and properties that relate directly to the essence of the Contributor object itself.

The default fields are guaranteed and are returned every time a Contributor object is returned. Everything else may be included by passing in the relevant Component.

"content": [{
"object": {
"mhid": String (default field),
"name": String (default field),
"altId": String (default field),
"images": IMAGES_ARRAY,
"contributions": CONTRIBUTIONS_ARRAY,
"pagingInfo": {
"next": null,
"previous": null

Default Field Summary

mhidThe MediaHound ID of the object.
nameThe name of the object.
altIdThe alternate ID of the object, to be used for urls.

Primary Name

All Contributor objects contain a Name sub-object called primaryName. This contains the primary locale-relevant Name.

The primaryName object is returned whenever a primaryName Component is requested.

Primary Image

All Contributor objects contain an Image sub-object called primaryImage. You can expect this to be the best visual representation of the Contributor. Contributor images typically have consistent aspect ratios. However, aspect ratios are not guaranteed, and applications should handle images of all aspect ratios.

The primaryImage object is returned whenever a primaryImage Component is requested. The response object is guaranteed, but may only contain a default image.

Secondary Image

All Contributor objects contain an Image sub-object called secondaryImage. You can expect this to be a background image of the Contributor.

The secondaryImage object is returned whenever a secondaryImage Component is requested. The response object is guaranteed, but may only contain a default image.


All Contributor objects may contain a list of Image sub-objects called images. This list will contain all images associated with the given Contributor.

The images array is returned whenever an images Component is requested. The response array is guaranteed, but may be an empty array.


All Contributor objects contain a sub-object array called contributions. This is a list of Media objects representing the things this Contributor has contributed to.

The contributions object is returned whenever a contributions Component is requested. The response array is guaranteed, but may be empty.

Contributor Context

When asking for all the Contributors that have contributed to a piece of Media, the response is an array of Object Context Pairs. The object is the actual Contributor, as described above. The context is an object that contains information about how the specific Contributor relates to the Media object.

"context": {
"sorting": {
"importance": Integer
"relationships": [
"contribution": String,
"role": String

Property Summary

relationshipsAn array of all the type of relationships the Contributor has to the Media. This can contain multiple objects. For example, if an Actor appeared as multiple characters in a Movie, then there would be a new relationship object for each character.
contributionThe type of contribution the Contributor had towards the Media. Common examples are "Director" and "Cast."
roleIf the contribution was of type "Cast", then this would be the name of the character.